These articles featuring Romana and her students were published in the 1980s and contain many great quotes about the benefits of Pilates.
Images first shared February 18, 2023.

This is the second part of a longer article, in which Romana is mentioned along with her work in the pilates studio. Image first shared August 31, 2022.

A great article from the early 1980’s depicting Romana and The Magic Circle. Images first shared August 31, 2022.

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Images first shared June 15, 2022.
This is currently the oldest reference I know of to the famous “10-20-30” quote about pilates! This article is from 1972, and quotes Romana in what closely resembles the sentence as it is more typically quoted today. A fascinating find! Hopefully we can one day track this quote directly back to Joe. Images first shared June 15, 2022.
A sampling of articles about Romana Kryzanowska and The Pilates Studio from the 1980’s-early 2000’s. Notice some historic inconsistencies throughout, as it tends to happen with articles in general. Sometimes people forget dates during interviews, sometimes the journalist gets it wrong. Images first shared July 1, 2021.

A snippet with some great information, from a long magazine article about places to exercise in NYC. Image first shared July 1, 2021.

This article is the earliest I’ve found that quotes Romana as saying the apparatus are not machines. We know that Joe himself did refer to the equipment as both “apparatus” and “machine.” Images first shared March 31, 2021.

A sampling of articles about Romana Kryzanowska and The Pilates Studio from the 1980’s-early 2000’s. Notice some historic inconsistencies throughout, as it tends to happen with articles in general. Sometimes people forget dates during interviews, sometimes the journalist gets it wrong. Images first shared March 31, 2021.

A rare article with great photos from the early 1970’s about The Pilates Studio after Joe passed away and it was run by Clara and Romana. Image first shared March 31, 2021.

An ad for ballet classes taught by Romana from the 1970’s. Image first shared March 31, 2021.

A rare early article that mentions Wei Tai Hom along with Romana. At the time, Wei Tai Hom owned The Pilates Studio and also conducted a mat certification. Image first shared March 31, 2021.

A rare early article that mentions Wei Tai Hom along with Romana. At the time, Wei Tai Hom owned The Pilates Studio and also conducted a mat certification. Image first shared March 31, 2021.

David Castellanos
This article from the 1980s is talking about the certification that Wei Tai Hom conducted during that time, which was on the matwork only. “The textbook on the method” mentioned in the article, is Gail Eisen and Philip Friedman’s book, “The Pilates Method of Physical and Mental Conditioning,” available online. Images first shared March 31, 2021.

This article features Gail Eisen as a pilates clients and includes an interview with her. Image first shared March 26, 2021.

A rare article from when Aris Isotoner owned The Pilates Studio. Interesting to note the term “Stretch-ercize.” Image first shared March 26, 2021.

Related Topics: Clara Pilates, Joseph Pilates Articles