Pilates System Letter from Joseph Pilates
In this letter to clients of The Pilates Studio, Joe Pilates mentions how he has helped 1000s of people with his method. He also mentions a trip to Atlanta, seemingly to open a studio there. Hopefully one day we learn more about this! Images first shared on February 18, 2023.
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Letter Mentioned in Life Magazine Article
I came across an article in Life Magazine published in 1938 about Ruth St. Denis and I immediately recalled this letter from Clara Pilates to Ruth St. Denis. Sure enough, it’s the article Clara refers to in this letter. Fascinating! Images first shared February 18, 2023.
Related Topics: Clara Pilates, Ted Shawn
A letter to Joseph Pilates from a performer at Jacob’s Pillow. Photo first shared on February 25, 2022.
A letter to Joseph Pilates in regard to the V-Bed, from Dorothy Paschal. Photo first shared on February 25, 2022.
This letter to Ruth St. Denis from Clara Pilates has a bit of humor to it. Image first shared February 18, 2023.
Related Topics: Clara Pilates, Ted Shawn
Letters from Clara Pilates to Carola Trier
Over the years, Clara Pilates and Carola Trier exchanged a series of letters by mail. To view the full collection of letters, see Carola Trier. Photos first shared on February 25, 2022.
Related Topic: Clara Pilates
Letter from Frederick Rand Rogers to Carola Trier
This letter from Frederick Rand Rogers was sent along with what is now known as “The Pilates Pamphlet,” on sale here: https://cathystrack.com/store. The Pilates Pamphlet includes the client list as well. Images first shared on February 25, 2022.
Letter from Ralph Hollander Promoting Idea of Pilates Foundation
Ralph Hollander was Joseph Pilates’ legal representative. Here is a letter he sent out, promoting the idea of setting up a Pilates Foundation for Physical Fitness. This foundation did come to fruition but was never completely realized, as relations between Joseph Pilates and the members of the Foundation soured over time. Through additional letters and correspondence between foundation members, we know that the Foundation ended due to Joe’s lack of trust and of cancelling activities. Images first shared on February 25, 2022.
The images shared here are research photos taken by Elaine Ewing at the Library for the Performing Arts.